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By ISQua Monday. May 10, 2021

Call for case studies – International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and WHO Featured

Call for case studies on the application of human factors and ergonomics principles to improve patient and healthcare worker safety – International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and WHO.


The International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and the WHO are collaborating on a joint initiative to produce a practical guidance document on the application of human factors and ergonomics (HF/E) principles to patient and healthcare worker safety. These case studies will demonstrate effective interventions and application of human factors and ergonomics principles for improving patient and healthcare worker safety.


Drs. Sara Albolino, Kathleen Mosier, and Michelle Robertson are leading this effort with a team of international HF/E patient safety experts in collaboration with WHO representatives. Specifically, Drs. Michelle Robertson and Susan Hallbeck are leading the effort of developing the HF/E case studies. These documents will be jointly published on the WHO and IEA websites.


Case studies can be previously published and you can cite the relevant publication in your submission. Case studies may be submitted in a 2-3 page document following the IEC Submission Form and linking it to the Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS 3 model) via email to the project leaders. Those interested in submitting a case study are asked to notify the project leaders of their intention to submit a case study by the 14th of May 2021. Case studies must be submitted by the 14th of June 2021. All submitted case studies will be peer-reviewed by IEA and WHO for acceptance.


All correspondence may be directed to the project leaders Dr. Robertson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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