ISQua Fellowship Programme

Connecting people and
ideas in healthcare 

The Fellowship Programme inspires the advancement of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety initiatives within the healthcare industry.


The ISQua Fellowship is fostering a global community of passionate healthcare professionals, who are united by a single common goal: safer healthcare.


ISQua's global reach means we are ideally situated to bring together lessons and perspectives from a variety of cultural and socio-economic contexts.


Our community includes the world's most renowned experts in quality improvement, patient safety and global standard setting who contribute to our educational content, live webinars and as advisors to the ISQua Board.



If you are a healthcare professional who wants to learn more about quality improvement, the Fellowship Programme is a perfect place to start.

ISQua Education Values


Learn from a wide range of international experts and peers, and start making improvements within your own personal context.


Expand your professional network, make new contacts and become a valued member of our community.



Share your plans or ask for advice from the Community, offer your insight and experience on the discussion boards. 


The Fellowship is full of practical advice on achieving positive improvements. Take action, test, measure, try again!

Programme Details



It’s simple!


Learners can choose which courses they wish to complete.
For every completed course, you will receive a Certificate of completion.
Completing 2 courses in your first year will earn you a Fellowship Certificate.
Completing 1 course in subsequent years will earn you your Fellowship maintenance Certificate.


ISQua International Conference

If you have attended the ISQua International Conference from years 2023 onwards, your attendance Certificate will be regarded as equivalent to 1 course. You must be in year 2+ to avail of this.




The ISQua Fellowship is designed for professionals who wish to keep learning and improving, and as such, you are encouraged to renew your Fellowship on an annual basis after completing their initial year.


New courses are added regularly to ensure that learners are kept up to date in developments in healthcare safety and quality around the world.

What is in a Course?

A course consists of 6 modules. Each module contains 4-6 activities. Some courses are a little longer than others. As a guide, you can expect a course to take 25-30 hours to complete if you watch and read all material as prescribed.



A module contains webinars, case studies and a publication or journal article which you will be assessed on. You will also be asked some reflective questions at the end of each module.



All assessments are within the system, there are no assignments or essays required for the Fellowship, however you will need to complete all activities in a course to receive your Course Certificate.


Fellowship Course Details

Quality Improvement



1.   Introduction to Improvement and Implementation Science

2.   Best practice in Quality Improvement

3.   Collaboratives to improve care

4.   Quality Improvement Update

5.   Advanced Performance Improvement

6.   Quality Improvement Strategy: Tools for Success

What our Fellows say

"Every area learnt on the Patient Safety module of the Fellowship Programme has made me a better person. I am more empowered and ready to change my organization, and the world. I am ready to champion quality and patient safety. I will educate and empower more people, and organizations on matters quality and patient safety." 

Jane Ngivu
Quality & Safety Manager
Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital, Kenya


Jane Ngivu

Fellowship Fees

First YearDurationLIC LMIC UMIC UIC
Membership & Fellowship 12 months €150 €225 €337.50 €450*
Renewing your FellowshipDurationLICLMIC UMIC UIC
Membership & Fellowship  12 months €100 €150 €225 €300*

* ISQua offers a discount to Students and Trainees from High-Income countries. New subscriptions - €375.00 / Renewals - €250.00

LIC = Lower Income
LMIC = Lower Middle Income
UMIC = Upper Middle Income
UI = High Income

Find out which classification your country is assigned by the World Bank.


Group Enrolments


Please note that groups can be facilitated through Institutional Membership. Groups registered on the Fellowship receive access to the Fellowship but do not receive individual ISQua Memberships.


Enrolling a group of 10 or more participants qualifies for 30% discount as of 1st January 2024!


Please contact if you are an Institutional Member wishing to enrol a group.


Join our global learning community today and connect with other dedicated healthcare professionals like you.